Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer chords
The most famous reindeer of all
Song Key: G Major
Key Signature: 1 sharp (F#)
Time Signature: 2/2 (𝅗𝅥)
Tempo: 84 bpm (Moderately)
Vocal Range: A3 - A4
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Chords: G, A, Am, A7, Bm, B7, C, D, D7 Em
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts
Chart Legend
Numbered Circles: Fingers used to play chords O: Optional Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open X: Don't play string B: Bass Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open X: Don't play string B: Bass Note

Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyIntro: C Bm Am G You know Dash-er and Dan-cer and Pran-cer and Vix-en C Bm Am G Com-et and Cup-id and Don-ner and Blitz-en Em B7 Em A7 D7 But do you re-call The most fam-ous rein-deer of all G D7 1. Ru-dolph the Red-Nosed Rein-deer Had a ve-ry shi-ny nose G And if you e-ver saw him You would e-ven say it glows G D7 All of the o-ther rein-deer Used to laugh and call him names G They ne-ver let poor Ru-dolph Join in a-ny rein-deer games C G C G Bridge: Then one fog-gy Christ-mas Eve San-ta came to say D7 A7 D7 Ru-dolph with your nose so bright Won't you lead my sleigh to-night G D7 2. Then all the rein-deer loved him As they shout-ed out with glee G Ru-dolph the Red-Nosed Rein-deer You'll go down in his-to-ry C Bm Am G C Bm Am G Instr: | | | | | | | | | Em B7 Em Em A A7 D D7 | | | | | | | | | G D7 3. Ru-dolph the Red-Nosed Rein-deer Had a ve-ry shi-ny nose G And if you e-ver saw him You would e-ven say it glows G D7 All of the o-ther rein-deer Used to laugh and call him names G They ne-ver let poor Ru-dolph Join in a-ny rein-deer games C G C G Bridge: Then one fog-gy Christ-mas Eve San-ta came to say D7 A7 D7 Ru-dolph with your nose so bright Won't you lead my sleigh to-night G D7 4. Then all the rein-deer loved him As they shout-ed out with glee G Ru-dolph the Red-Nosed Rein-deer You'll go down in his-to-ry woo...
- Reading the Song Charts - a closer look at reading the song charts on this site
- Chord Transposer - a better understanding of how it works
- First Recording: Gene Autry - The song reached No. 1 on the Billboard pop singles chart in the Christmas week of 1949 with 2.5 million copies sold in the first year, eventually reaching a total of 25 million. Until the 1980's, it was the 2nd best-selling single of all time.
- Original Published Key: C Major
- This song is ideal for beginners. The Bm is a little tricky but stick with it... think of it as an Am chord played up 2 frets with the chord played using fingers 2,3, and 4 and the index finger added to the 1st string, 2nd fret... see charts.
- The tempo is set at 84 bpm in half-note time or 168 bpm in quarter-note time.
- It sounds better if you set your metronome at 84 bpm in half-note time, meaning the click will sound twice per bar (on beats 1 & 3) instead of 4 times per bar (on beats 1 2 3 and 4)... the choice is yours.
- The lyrics are slightly altered with the use of, 'lead my sleigh tonight' instead of 'guide my sleigh tonight', along with a few other subtle changes.
- C Major is the easiest key for beginners. If you want to play along with the video, place a capo on the 7th fret and press the 'C' button on the Transposer. It may sound a little high, but it will work.
- If you are playing with another guitarist, one could play in G major while the other in C Major with a Capo on 7 - see what you think!