O Holy Night chords

by Celtic Woman
  • Composer: Adolphe Charles Adam
  • Lyrics: Johnn Sullivan Dwight
  • Featured Artists: Celtic Woman from the album A Christmas Celebration
  • Music: Key of C Major in 12/8 time at ~ 56 bpm (♩)
  • Chords: C, C7, F, G, G7, Em, B7, Am, Dm
  • Vocal Range: G3-A5
Chart Legend
Numbered Circles: Fingers used to play chords   O: Optional Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings   R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open   X: Don't play string    B: Bass Note
C Major C7 Am F Major F Major G Major G7 Em Dm B7
C Major C7 Am F Major F Major G Major G7 Em Dm B7

O Holy Night

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
Intro: 12/8 ||  C   /   /   F  |   C   /   /   F  ||

   C                    F                   C
1. O Ho-ly night    The stars are bright-ly shin-ing
                          G               C
   It is the night of our dear Sav-iour's birth
                            F             C   C7
   Long lay the world    In sin and error pin-ing
              Em             B7            Em
   Till He ap-peared and the Soul felt its worth
     G7                    C
   A thrill of hope    The wear-y world re-joi-ces
       G7                  C
   For yon-der breaks    A new and glor-i-ous morn
   Am           Em          Dm              Am
   Fall on your knees    Oh hear the an-gel voic-es
     C    G7      C     F   C      G7                C
   O ni - ight di-vine    O night    When Christ was born
     G7          C     F   C      G7           C
   O night    Di-vine    O night    O night di-vine

         C   F  G      C    G7     C  F  G     C    G7  
Instr:||           / |   /     / |         / |   /     / ||

   C                                F            C   C7
2. Chains shall He break    For the slave is our bro-ther
              Em          B7              Em
   And in His name all op-pres-sion shall cease
         G7                 C
   Sweet hymns of joy    In grate-ful chor-us raise we
       G7             C
   Let all with-in us praise His Ho-ly name
   Am            Em       Dm          Am
   Christ is the Lord and ev-er ev-er praise we
        C   G7        C    F   C      G7           C
   No - e - el     No-el___  O night___ O night di-vine
        G7          C   F   C      G7           C
   No - el     No - el___ O night___ O night di-vine
        G7         C    F    C     Dm  C        G7         C
   No - el    No - el...el - el    O   night    O night di-vine

          C        F     C        F        C
Outro: ||    /  /     |     /  /     |           ||


  • Level Of Ease: Easy - ideal for beginners. All chords are easy to play with F and B7 needing a little more attention... you'll enjoy this one.
  • 12/8 Time: 12 eighth-note/quaver beats per bar
  • Tempo: approx 56 bpm (♩.) This means that each beat is counted as a dotted quarter-note/crotchet which is equivalent to 3 eighth/quaver notes for each beat. If we set the tempo for every eighth-note/quaver, it would be racing along at 168 bpm's (3x56) which would be extremely off-putting and not in keeping with the style of song.
  • The 2 bar intro becomes easier if you count the tempo as above, with one count for every 3 quavers. The 12/8 count is actually | 1&& 2&& 3&& 4&& | You can simply count it as | 1 2 3 4 | keeping in mind each beat is equal to 3 eighth-notes or quavers.
  • If you are finger-picking, listen carefully to the harp especially in the Intro and at the end of the song. You will hear the picking on every eighth-note beat... follow this closely and do the same if you're finger-picking. In the Intro, count every eighth-note as 1 pick, so it would look and play like this | CCC CCC CCC FFF | CCC CCC CCC FFF | - The same 2 bars are played at the end of the song.
  • The simile mark ( / )means you repeat the previous chord or note in the bar, therefore
        C      F 
     ||   /  /   || means 3 beats on C major and 1 beat on F major
        C F G
     ||       /  || means 1 beat on C, one beat on F and 2 beats on G
        C    G7 
     ||   /    / || means 2 beats on C major and 2 beats on G7
  • You will notice timing changes especially towards the end of the song. If you are playing alone, it can be a little off-putting, but stick with it. These are the sorts of things that add to your ability as a musician and help you to broaden your horizons, not only on your playing style, but also in your musical appreciation.
  • This is an excellent arrangement. Notice how the orchestra and choir create an intense 'feel' and mood... along with the superb voices of Celtic Woman.
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