Mary Did You Know chords
by Clay Aiken- Composer: Buddy Greene
- Lyrics: Mark Lowry (1984)
- Featured Artist: Clay Aiken
- Album: Merry Christmas With Love
- Music: Key of Eb Minor in 4/4 time at 100 bpm (♩)
- Easier in Dm with chords: Dm, F, Gm, A, Asus, Bb, C
Chart Legend
Numbered Circles: Fingers used to play chords O: Optional Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open X: Don't play string B: Bass Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open X: Don't play string B: Bass Note
Mary Did You Know
Capo on 1 if playing with the video
The Relative Major Key of Dm is highlighted - Transpose to any other key.Dm C Gm A Dm C Gm Asus A Intro: 4/4 | | | | | | | | - (Mary did you)| Dm 1. Ma-ry, did you know C Gm A That your ba-by boy will one day walk on wa-ter? Dm Ma-ry, did you know C Gm A That your ba-by boy will save our sons and daugh-ters? Gm C F Dm ** Did you know That your ba-by boy has come to make you new? Gm Asus4 A This child that you've de-liv-ered Will soon de-li-ver you. Dm 2. Ma-ry, did you know C Gm A That your ba-by boy will give sight to a blind man? Dm Ma-ry, did you know C Gm A That your ba-by boy will calm a storm with his hand? Gm C F Dm ** Did you know that your ba-by boy has walked where an-gels trod? Gm Asus4 A When you kiss your lit-tle ba-by you've kissed the face of God. Dm C Gm A Oh Ma-ry Did you know? | | Ooo...| | Dm C Gm Am | | | | | Bb C Bridge: The blind will see The deaf will hear Dm C Bb The dead will live a-gain... Gm C The lame will leap The dumb will speak Dm Dm A The prais-es of The | Lamb...| | 𝄎 | Dm 3. Ma-ry, did you know C Gm A That your ba-by boy is Lord of all cre-a-tion? Dm Ma-ry, did you know C Gm A That your ba-by boy will one day rule the na-tions? Gm C F Dm ** Did you know That your ba-by boy is hea-ven's per-fect lamb? Gm A This sleep-ing child you're hold-ing Is the great A Dm C Gm A Dm | I...| AM... | | | | |
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- Chord Transposer - a better understanding of how it works