Jingle Bells chords

by Jim Reeves
  • Writer: James Lord Pierpont: (1857)
  • Original Key: G Major
  • First Published: 1857 - It was titled 'One Horse Open Sleigh', and was originally written as a song for Thanksgiving.
  • First Recorded: 1898 on an Edison Cylinder (phonograph), by the Edison Male Quartette.
  • Featured Artist: Jim Reeves from the album 12 Songs Of Christmas.
  • Music: Key of C Major in 2/2 time at 95 bpm (♩)
  • Chords: C, C7, F, G, G7, Dm, D7
Chart Legend
Numbered Circles: Fingers used to play chords   O: Optional Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings   R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open   X: Don't play string    B: Bass Note
G Major G7 Dm D7 C Major C7 F Major F Major
G Major G7 Dm D7 C Major C7 F Major F Major

Jingle Bells

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
             F                          G    Dm      G    G7
Intro: 2/4 | Jing-a-ling-a-ling |  "  | Ah - Ah   |  Ah - Ah  |
             F                          G    Dm      G    G7
           | Jing-a-ling-a-ling |  "  | Ah - Ah   |  Ah - Ah  |
   C                                                 F
1. Dash-ing through the snow    In a one-horse o-pen sleigh
   Dm                 G7                      C
   O’er the fields we go    Laugh-ing all the way
   Bells on bob-tail ring    Mak-ing spi-rits bright
        Dm           G                  G7                 C
   What fun it is to ride and sing    A sleigh-ing song to-night
        C                                              C7
Chorus: Jin-gle Bells Jin-gle Bells    Jin-gle all the way
        F              C                  D7                     G7
        Oh what fun it is to ride    In a one-horse o-pen sleigh eh!
        C                                              C7
        Jin-gle Bells Jin-gle Bells    Jin-gle all the way
        F              C                  G7              C
        Oh what fun it is to ride    In a one-horse o-pen sleigh

         F                          G    Dm      G    G7
Instr: | Jing-a-ling-a-ling |  "  | Ah - Ah   |  Ah - Ah  |
         F                          G    Dm      G    G7
       | Jing-a-ling-a-ling |  "  | Ah - Ah   |  Ah - Ah  |
   C                                                F 
2. Now the ground is white    So go it while you're young
   Dm                G7                                C
   Take the girls to-night    And sing this sleigh-ing song
   Just get a bob-tailed nag    Two-for-ty for his speed
        Dm              G                   G7                     C
   Then hitch him to an o-pen sleigh    And crack! you'll take the lead

        C                                              C7
Chorus: Jin-gle Bells Jin-gle Bells    Jin-gle all the way
        F              C                  D7                     G7
        Oh what fun it is to ride    In a one-horse o-pen sleigh eh!
        C                                              C7
        Jin-gle Bells Jin-gle Bells    Jin-gle all the way             
        F              C                  G7                C         F    G     C 
        Oh what fun it is to ride    In a one-horse o-pen | sleigh |    |     |  𝄑  |


  • Song Key: C Major - no sharps or flats
  • 2/4 Time: This represents 2 quarter-note beats per bar. Each bar can be counted as | 1 2 | or | 1& 2& | etc.
  • 95 bpm (♩) - beat sounds on every quarter-note if you are using a metronome or click track.
  • This song is very simple to play although the fast chord changes in the Intro and Instrumental sections may prove a little quick for beginners... you can hold the G chord over the | Ah - Ah | bits if you like, just till you are able to play them in time.
  • | G - Dm | in 2/4 time means you play the G chord for 1 beat and the Dm chord for 1 beat. The hyphen splits the bar in half with equal beat counts between the 2 chords.
  • 𝄑 represents a 'fermata' symbol, commonly known as a pause symbol. At the end of the song, you strum the C chord and hold... let it ring out.
  • These tips relate to the video on this page. If you don't play along with the video, you can play the song in a more 'straight-forward' fashion without all the added bits in the instrumental sections... beginners will also find it a lot easier to play.
  • You may even like to try a different key... use the Transposer to find the right key for you. 
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