The Holly And The Ivy chords

by Annie Lennox
  • Music & Lyrics: Traditional British Christmas Carol
  • Performance: Annie Lennox
  • Album: A Christmas Cornucopia
  • Music: C Major in 3/4 time at ~ 120  bpm (♩)
  • Chords: C, C/G, Dm7, F, G, G7, Am
Chart Legend
Numbered Circles: Fingers used to play chords   O: Optional Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings   R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open   X: Don't play string    B: Bass Note
C Major C/G Dm7 F Major F Major G Major G7 Am
C Major C/G Dm7 F Major F Major G Major G7 Am

The Holly And The Ivy

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
              C     F    C        C     F    C       
Intro: 3/4 || 1&2&  3& | 1&2&3& | 1&2&  3& | 1&2&3& ||
       C          F   C
1. The hol-ly and the i-vy,
        C             F    C
   When they are both full grown,
   G  C             Am       Dm7    G 
   Of all the trees that are in the wood,
   Dm7  C/G          G7    C       F   C     Dm7  C    F    C     Dm7 
   The  hol-ly bears the | crown.  3&| 1&2&  3& | 1&2& 3& | 1&2&  3& |

           C          F   C
CH: Oh the ris-ing of the sun
            C           F   C
    And the run-ning of the deer,
    G   C           Am  Dm7    G
    The play-ing of the mer-ry or-gan,
          C/G         G7    C       F   C     Dm7  C    F    C     Dm7   
    Sweet sing-ing in the | choir.  3&| 1&2&  3& | 1&2& 3& | 1&2&  3& |
       C            F  C
2. The hol-ly bears a  blos-som,
      C               F   C
   As white as the li-ly  flower,
   G   C          Am    Dm7    G
   And Ma-ry bore sweet Je-sus Christ,
   Dm7  C/G          G7  C    
   To   be our sweet Sav-iour... CH
       C            F  C
3. The hol-ly bears a  ber-ry,
      C          F   C
   As red as  an-y   blood,
   G   C          Am    Dm7    G
   And Ma-ry bore sweet Je-sus Christ
   Dm7  C/G       G7   C     
   To   do us sin-ners good... CH
       C            F  C
4. The hol-ly bears a pri-ckle,
      C           F   C
   As sharp as an-y   thorn,
   G   C          Am    Dm7    G
   And Ma-ry bore sweet Je-sus Christ
   Dm7  C/G            G7      C    
   On   Christ-mas Day in the | morn |  𝄎  |... CH
       C            F  C
5. The hol-ly bears a bark,
      C            F   C
   As bit-ter as a-ny  gall,
   G   C          Am    Dm7    G
   And Ma-ry bore sweet Je-sus Christ
   Dm7    C/G     G7   C     
   For to re-deem us   all... CH
       C          F   C
6. The hol-ly and the i-vy,
        C             F    C
   Now  both are full well grown,
   G  C             Am       Dm7    G 
   Of all the trees that are in the wood,
   Dm7  C/G          G7  C      
   The  hol-ly bears the crown |  𝄎  |

           C          F   C
CH: Oh the ris-ing of the sun
            C           F   C
    And the run-ning of the deer,
    G   C           Am  Dm7    G
    The play-ing of the mer-ry or-gan,
          C/G         G7   C 
    Sweet sing-ing in the  choir.  

           C          F   C
CH: Oh The ris-ing of the sun
            C           F   C
    And the run-ning of the deer,
    G   C           Am  Dm7    G
    The play-ing of the mer-ry or-gan,
          C/G         G7    C      F   C        C    F    C        C    F    C        C    F   C       C
    Sweet sing-ing in the | choir  3&| 1&2&3& | 1&2& 3& | 1&2&3& | 1&2& 3& | 1&2&3& | 1&2& 3& |1&2&3&|  𝄑  |

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