Happy Xmas (War Is Over) chords

by John Lennon
  • Composers John Lennon, Yoko Ono - 1971
  • Recorded: 28th, 31st October 1971, Record Plant East, New York
  • Released:1st Dec 1971 (US), 24th Nov 1972 (UK) from the album - Power To The People - The Hits
  • Genre: Rock, Christmas
  • Music: Key of A Major in 12/8 time at 146 bpm (♪)
  • Chords: A, Asus2, Asus4, Bm, Bsus2, Bsus4, E, Esus4, Eadd9, D, Dsus2, Dsus4, Em, Em(maj7) / EmM7, Em(add9) / Emadd9, G... all charts below.
Chart Legend
Numbered Circles: Fingers used to play chords   O: Optional Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings   R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open   X: Don't play string    B: Bass Note
A Major Asus2 Asus4 Bm Bsus2 Bsus4 E Major Esus4 Eadd9 D Major Dsus2 Dsus4 Em Em(maj7) Em(add9) G Major
A Major Asus2 Asus4 Bm Bsus2 Bsus4 E Major Esus4 Eadd9 D Major Dsus2 Dsus4 Em Em(maj7) Em(add9) G Major

Happy Xmas (War Is Over)

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
              A         Asus2    Asus4
1. So this is Christ-mas
       A             Bm        Bsus2    Bsus4
   And what have you done
     Bm           Esus4   E   Eadd9
   A-noth-er year o-ver
         E               A   Asus2    Asus4
   And a new one just be-gun
       A          D         Dsus2    Dsus4
   And so this is Christ-mas
     D             Em    EmM7  Emadd9
   I hope you have fun
       Em           Asus4    A   Asus2
   The near and the dear ones
       A           D       Dsus2    Dsus4
   The old and the young

          D            G
Chorus: A ve-ry Mer-ry Christ-mas
        And a hap-py New Year
                          Em       G
        Let's hope it's a good one
                      D      E
        With-out a-ny fear

              A                  Asus2  Asus4
2. So this is Christ-mas (War    Is     O - ver)
       A            Bm             Bsus2  Bsus4
   For weak and for strong  (If    you    want  it)
       Bm           Esus4             E     Eadd9
   For rich and the poor ones (War    Is     O - ver)
       E           A            Asus2  Asus4
   The world is so wrong (No -  ow  -  ow  -  ow... )
       A         D                  Dsus2  Dsus4
   And so hap-py Christ-mas (War    Is     O - ver)
       D             Em           EmM7  Emadd9
   For black and for white  (If   you       want    it)
           Em           Asus4             A     Asus2
   For the yel-low and  red  ones (War    Is    O - ver)
         A            D            Dsus2  Dsus4
   Let's stop all the fight (No -  ow  -  ow - ow... )

          D            G
Chorus: A ve-ry Mer-ry Christ-mas
        And a hap-py New Year
                          Em       G
        Let's hope it's a good one
                      D      E
        With-out a-ny fear

              A                  Asus2  Asus4
3. So this is Christ-mas (War    Is     O - ver)
       A            Bm         Bsus2   Bsus4
   And what have we done  (If  you     want  it)
     Bm            Esus4           E      Eadd9
   A-noth-er year  o - ver (War    Is     O - ver
         E               A          Asus2   Asus4
   And a new one just be-gun (No -  ow   -  ow - ow... )
       A         D                  Dsus2  Dsus4
   And so hap-py Christ-mas (War    Is     O - ver)
      D             Em         EmM7  Emadd9 
   We hope you have fun  (If   you       want   it)
       Em           Asus4            A     Asus2
   The near and the dear one (War    Is    O - ver)
       A           D            Dsus2  Dsus4
   The old and the young (No -  ow  -  ow - ow... )

          D            G
Chorus: A ve-ry Mer-ry Christ-mas
        And a hap-py New Year
                          Em       G
        Let's hope it's a good one
                      D      E
        With-out a-ny fear

         A      Asus2   Asus4   A 
Outro:   War    is      o   -   ver
         Bm   Bsus2  Bsus4  Bm
         If   you    want   it
         Esus4  E    Eadd9   E
         War    is   o   -   ver 
         A   Asus2  Asus4    A 
         Now...                (repeat to fade)

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