Hallelujah What A Savior chords

by Austin Stone
  • Music: Philip Bliss
  • Lyrics: Philip Bliss, Aaron Ivey, Halim Suh, Matt Carter
  • Featured Artist: Austin Stone
  • Album: A Day Of Glory (Songs For Christmas)
  • Music: Key of A Major in 4/4 time at 76 bpm (♩)
  • Song Chords: A, A/C#, Bm, D, E, E/G#, F#m
Chart Legend
Numbered Circles: Fingers used to play chords   O: Optional Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings   R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open   X: Don't play string    B: Bass Note
A Major A/C# Bm Bm D Major E Major E/G# F#m F#m
A Major A/C# Bm Bm D Major E Major E/G# F#m F#m

Hallelujah What A Savior

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
                A         A       F#m       A       F#m
Intro: 4/4 || (Hold) ||       |         |       |        ||

   A                F#m       E
1. Shin-ing star in heav'n so bright, 
   D      A          E 
   Low-ly tend their flocks by night
   A                 F#m       D
   Could this be our faith now sight? 
              A    E          A/C#  D
   Hal - le - lu - jah what a Sav - ior!
        A      F#m      A      F#m
   ||       |       |       |       ||   
   A                F#m     E
2. Gift of gifts in man-ger laid,
   D       A      E 
   Hope of men no more de-layed
   A                 F#m      D  
   God the Just, His love dis-played,
              A    E          A/C#  D     E
   Hal - le - lu - jah what a Sav - ior - or...
                   D    A    F#m
Chorus: Hal - le - lu - jah! Praise to the One 
              D         A        E
        Whose blood has pardoned me
                  D     A       F#m
        Oh what a Sav - ior, Re-deem-er and King,
             Bm       F#m      E
        Your love has res-cued me
        A      F#m      A      F#m
   ||       |       |       |       ||		
     A                 F#m       E
3. E-ter-nal Word made flesh was He,
       D        A         E
   The pro-mise proph-ets longed to see
   A                  F#m     D
   Je-sus Christ, our my-ster-y, 
              A    E          A/C#  D
   Hal - le - lu - jah what a Sav - ior!
       A                   F#m      E
4. And now the church, His prais-es bring, 
   D             A         E
   Blood-brought bride and match-less King   
   A                    F#m     D
   Heav'n and earth now join to sing,    
              A    E          A/C#  D
   Hal - le - lu - jah what a Sav - ior 
              F#m  E          A/C#  D     E
   Hal - le - lu - jah what a Sav - ior - or...   
                   D    A    F#m
Chorus: Hal - le - lu - jah! Praise to the One
              D         A        E
        Whose blood has pardoned me
                  D     A       F#m
        Oh what a Sav - ior, Re-deem-er and King,
             Bm       F#m      E
        Your love has res-cued me
          D     E     F#m     E/G#    D     E    F#m    E
Instr: |     |     |       |       |     |     |     |     | 

                   D    A    F#m
Chorus: Hal - le - lu - jah! Praise to the One
              D         A        E
        Whose blood has pardoned me
                  D     A       F#m
        Oh what a Sav - ior, Re-deem-er and King,
             Bm       F#m      E
        Your love has res-cued me... Oh		

                   D    A    F#m
Chorus: Hal - le - lu - jah! Praise to the One
              D         A        E
        Whose blood has pardoned me
                  D     A       F#m
        Oh what a Sav - ior, Re-deem-er and King,
             Bm       F#m      E
        Your love has res-cued me
                    Bm       F#m      E
        Oh yes Your love has res-cued me

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