The Bells Of Christmas chords

by Chris De Burgh
  • Composer: Chris De Burgh - British-Irish singer-songwriter and instrumentalist
  • First released: 2009
  • Album: The Bells Of Christmas
  • Music: C Major in 4/4 time at 88 bpm (♩)
  • Chords: C, D, Dm, E, E7, Em, Em7, F, G, G7, A, Am, A7, Bb
Chart Legend
Numbered Circles: Fingers used to play chords   O: Optional Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings   R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open   X: Don't play string    B: Bass Note
C Major D Major Dm E Major E7 Em Em7 F Major G Major G7 A Major Am A7 Bb Major Bb Major
C Major D Major Dm E Major E7 Em Em7 F Major G Major G7 A Major Am A7 Bb Major Bb Major

The Bells Of Christmas

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
             C    F  G    C       F  G       
Intro: 4/4  ‖1&2& 3& 4& | 1&2&   (If you)‖

          C         G          F            C
1. If you know some-one who is lone-ly this Christ-mas 
               F        C         G
   Reach out a hand and o-pen the door 
   E             E7          Am7         F
   Bring them in-side in the spi-rit of Christ-mas 
       C         G       C
   And show what lies in store
   F  G   C         G             F            C
2. If you know some-one who's for-got-ten that Christ-mas
  F                          C         G
   Will al-ways shine in the eyes of a child 
   E          E7            Am            F
   Open their hearts to the me-mo-ries of Christ-mas 
       C         G         C       F
   And take them back in | time -     |
        C                             Dm
 CH: So have a very Mer-ry Christ-mas ev'ry-one 
     G                              C
     Ce-le-brate the com-ing of the new-born son 
     C                              Dm
     Ev'ry-where this hap-py day we have be-gun 
        G        G7         C             F  G    C    F   G 
     To ring the bells of | Christ-mas -        |   - (Let the)
           C          G               F           C
3. Let the light that shines with the won-ders of Christ-mas 
  F                      C         G
   Fill ev'-ry heart all o-ver the world 
  E          E7           Am         F
   Let us be-lieve in the spi-rit of Christ-mas 
       C        G          C        F
   And dream of peace on | earth -     |
        C                             Dm
 CH: So have a very Mer-ry Christ-mas ev'ry-one 
     G                              C
     Cel-eb-rate the com-ing of the new-born son 
     C                              Dm
     Ev'ry-where this hap-py day we have be-gun 
        G        G7         A             A7
     To ring the bells of | Christ-mas -     |     
                           (key change)

     D                             Em
 CH: Have a very Mer-ry Christ-mas ev'ry-one  
     A                              D
     Ce-le-brate the com-ing of the new-born son 
     D                              Em      Em7
     Ev'ry-where this hap-py day we have be-gun 
        A        A7       D
     To ring the bells of Christ-mas 
     D                             Em7
 CH: Have a very Mer-ry Christ-mas ev'ry-one  
     A                              D
     Ce-le-brate the com-ing of the new-born son 
     D                              Em      Em7
     Ev'ry-where this hap-py day we have be-gun 
        A        A7       Bb                   C               D
     To ring the bells of Christ-mas, ring the bells, ring the bells!

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